
The House in the Woods

We’re yet another day closer to the opening of the Fantasy Faire. With the help of some items from Del-ka Aedilis for the anniversary round of Redeux (which has been extended until the 23rd of April at noon) I am continuing to stay with the fantasy feel and this time I do have a little Faire preview included. Read on to see!

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The Knight and the Lady

I am back with more from Hullabazoo, because of course I wanted to cover Teegle’s new release as well—a fantastic set of jousting tack for each of the Teeglepet breeds except for the American Paint and the Shetland Pony. A perfect opportunity for Ran to dress up in his fantastic armour from Silhouette Warfare and setup a gorgeous fantasy scene of a knight meeting his lady.

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Arabian Knight

I think I am well on my way to becoming a virtual horse hoarder. I’ve now got six of the seven Teeglepets plus the Teegle avatar (on a separate account, so I can take myself for a ride) roaming around on the sim. The latest addition is the absolutely gorgeous Arabian, beautifully modelled to have the distinctive dish-shaped face, large eyes and nostrils and proudly carried tail. The movements of this horse are also very well suited to the breed and while I did not do a video this time, I tried to capture some of it in the shots I took.

The Arabian is currently an event exclusive at the Princess Bride round of Enchantment and the same goes for the lovely Arabian Nights tack from Jinx that I also picked up. This made it easy to decide how I wanted to show off the horse and so off I went to setup the Sahara Oasis solid sky landscape from Landscapes Unlimited. To this I added the new ruins from Fanatik and tinted these to blend in more with the desert sands. As for myself, I decided to be a desert prince rather than a desert princess—easier to find clothing suited to riding astride.

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The animals (that’d be our two dogs and our horse) have kept us very busy the last two weeks, so I am sadly having very little time for Second Life. But I have had this one photo I have wanted to do for a while and yesterday I finally managed to get the setup done.

It all came down to this lovely, rustic bridge from Dutchie (and no, there isn’t an adult version!) which I have been trying to blog for, well, months. The problem has been that I have been too lazy to re-landscape a section of the sim to incorporate a large enough river. In the end, I decided that the river that runs under this bridge used to be wider, but has narrowed over time. Then it worked perfectly with the riverbed from Fanatik.

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Horse Fanatik

I am completely enamoured with buying accessories for my Teeglepets right now. There are so many cool add-ons! Like this fabulous Norse Gods tack set from Jinx, newly adapted for the Clydesdale, and of course the Luxury mane and tail (also for the Clydesdale) from Mythril. I wanted to do a real sword & sorcery photo with my extra fancy Clydesdale, so I dressed the part using a set from lassitude & ennui and setup a background using the Stalker Castle from Fanatik as well as rocks from their 2018 collection. Speaking of Fanatik, don’t miss their sale! Up to 50% on many items and it ends tomorrow.

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A Teegle Christmas

Christmas is over and the last day of the year is approaching fast. I was laid low by another round of cold, barely two weeks after the last one, so the video showing off my presents to myself that I picked up on the 25th had to wait until today. I had been eyeing several new releases from Teegle and for the Teeglepets and finally decided it was time to treat myself. I picked up the new Clydesdale Teeglepet, a baroque tack set for the Friesian Teeglepet and a side-saddle animation set. In the video, I show how to add the tack set and how to install the animations. I also show off a lovely new gown from the Dreaming Thicket. For me, that is, not the horses. ;)

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Against the Wall

Sometimes, the right place for a bit of romance (alright, naughtiness) is a secluded corner of the castle, leaning up against a tapestry that keeps the cold stone wall away from you. After all, beds and couches can get a bit tedious in the long run. That’s when Roawenwood has your back (quite literally) with this new release for We Love Role-Play. The “Up Against the Wall Hanging Tapestry” offers nine different textures, 1 casual talking animation, 17 cuddles & kisses and 19 adult animations. I quite like the animation selection and it is a really nice way to have access to couple animations in locations where, for example, a bed would be out of place.

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Collared by Dutchie

This weekend, Dutchie released four collar styles (plus a freebie leash handle that works with them), each packed with a carefully curated selection of bento animations. There’s 42 solo collar animations and 6 couple animations. The collars also include a bound walk, crawl walk, ankle lock and neck lock. Each style costs L$798. The best way to show the collars was with a video, so of course I brought Ran on to hold the leash and help me demonstrate the functionality of these collars. Hope you enjoy!

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The Snow Queen’s Castle

Yesterday, I set about getting this post ready, uploading images to Flickr and the blog. Then, dogs and deadlines happened and here I am, a day and a half later with nothing written yet. And since the deadline is still hovering over my shoulder, this will have to be short and sweet. As I mentioned when reviewing the Quinta Palace from Fanatik, they also had a new castle out. In contrast to the palace, the Stalker Castle is a compact build with a footprint of 30 x 28 m and 170 prims.  There are three levels (plus the roof) and the castle is lit by torches and braziers. The beautiful lighting inside is what made me want to shoot it in the snow and even have it snow inside, which of course is perfectly plausible when you’re a snow queen courtesy of the latest deviousMind release.

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MyStore by Fanatik

No, I haven’t opened a new store in Second Life. The little shape collection lives happily on the Marketplace and will probably remain just there for now. However, if I were to need a new store build, MyStore—the new modular store-building set by Fanatik—would be a serious contender. Want to get a closer look at it? I made a video showing the building blocks and the five pre-made store builds.

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Poisonous Snow

Alia Baroque of Fallen Gods has this truly poisonous green skin out at the spooky Hallow Manor event. It is of course available for both male and female avatars, as with all skins from Fallen Gods, and it includes Omega appliers and system layers which means I was able to use it with the new Slink Visage Jacquie head which uses Bakes on Mesh. I think Jacquie makes for a very cute green girl, especially in the Halloween edition of Lil’ Miss Snow from deviousMind which fits the poison theme perfectly. I would definitely think twice about trying her apples!

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A short and sweet post today, the dogs have been two handfuls today and I am absolutely exhausted. But as soon as I unpacked the review copy for deviousMind’s latest release, the Naga gacha, I knew I wanted to head down into my caves by Fanatik and photo this extra special dragon-tail version. And thanks to Bakes on Mesh it was easy to find a skin for it; this is Draco by Fallen Gods. The hair is the windblown version of Elenoire from Wasabi and the magic effect from the Dreaming Thicket.

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In the Trenches

I had not expected to do another decor only post so quickly, but I really wanted to blog one of the recent releases from Fanatik and the “avatar inclusive” idea that I had been working on did not pan out! However, this is definitely proving to be a fun way of doing something new with my SL photography so I don’t mind at all.

The focus of this post, then, is the Trenches set by Fanatik, a collection of deep trenches supported by wooden structures.

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The Game

Nephilaine of the Muses has been on fire lately, releasing a string of fantasy/roleplay outfits, some for women and quite a few for men! She sent me a selection of these and of course I had to tell Ran to pick some up as well, so that we could do a photo together and show off a pair of the new releases. Since I don’t have a separate male alt, that meant changing myself into ManFreyja, which is always a bit weird since I’ve just got a female AO. ;) I am not sure what I dislike the most, standing around with the female AO on when I am dressed as a male or standing around with the AO off and looking like a noob. That may actually be more painful.

Anyway, back to business of showing off these outfits! We headed off to our tavern by Fanatik to play some nice, in the form of a working dice game by the Dreaming Thicket.

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None Shall Pass

We’re in the middle of packing for our annual trip up north but of course I need a creative break now and then. I though the new fantasy armour set from the Plastik for the Lootbox gacha was very nice and given the horns that are a part of it I decided that it probably belongs to a guardian of some underworld realm. So, I headed off to my trusty caves by Fanatik and made use of the Petra chamber once again.

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