
Rocking the Night Away

It has been a bit of a crazy day, in more than one way. Fortunately, it also involved a visit to the stables in RL, which always works to distract and calm me down. I don’t knit (not since school, anyway), but I can imagine it would be pretty soothing to sit and work like this, with the comforting sounds of the horses in the background. The classic wooden rocking chair is one of two rocking chairs from Dutchie (the other is a mid-century style that goes well with Dutchie’s other furniture sets) released for the November round of FaMESHed. The rocking chairs have 10 female and 10 male solo animations each, including knitting and needlepoint. The props are auto-attaching with the AV-sitter experience and the animations are of course Bento-enabled. The wooden rocking chair includes several wood choices and paint options and the mid-century style offers different fabric options.

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Entombed Oracle

Alia Baroque’s Fallen Gods Inc is celebrating its 13th anniversary in Second Life with an almost month-long calendar of events. A traditional part of these celebrations is the return of the Fortune Teller, which as usual offers two fantastic skins with matching outfits, one for men and one for women. If you get lucky enough to win (it takes some luck and some patience!), you get both sets. I am wearing the female skin here, but instead of the included outfit I went for a new release from Faida for the Tomb of the Ancients event which combines shopping with an escape room experience. I have not tried out the latter, but the event definitely had a nice selection of vendors. I did not have a tomb to photo in, but I did have the awesome Crypt add-on for Fanatik’s Cave system.

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Island Wanderer

The massive new release from Fanatik is now out (11 new products, plus two new group gifts), which prompted me to return to the showcase sim yet again, this time in the guise of a wanderer exploring the rugged landscape. The new landscaping items and the sim built with them are inspired by St. Kilda, a remote Scottish archipelago in the North Atlantic, so it is no wonder that it reminds me a lot of the coast of Northern Ireland where we went on a tour a few years back to visit various filming locations for Game of Thrones. To visit the sim, head over to Fanatik’s main store and click the teleporter right at the front of the store. That is also where you will find all the new products.

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Styx the Skeleton Horse

The Halloween edition of LL’s Shop & Hop event is currently ongoing, with lots of deals and gifts to be had. One of the more spectacular releases for the event is the latest Teeglepet, Styx. He joins the unicorn and pegasus as yet another fantastical equine, and being a skeleton horse he certainly qualifies for that! Styx also has his very own Spooky Carriage, and right now you get a voucher for the carriage when you buy Styx, which is a fantastic deal. This deal is valid until November 1st, when the carriage will be put for sale on its own. Teegle is also offering a 25% discount on the other Teeglepets at the Shop & Hop, including on the upgrades from no-copy to copy.

Since animesh products are best shown on video, that’s what I opted for. It also gave me the opportunity to offer a sneak peek at some forthcoming landscaping from Fanatik.

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Dark Queen

October is upon us and Second Life is filling up with all things spooky. From the trio of witches in my earlier post, the time has now come for a dark queen. After winning a skin from one of the gachas from Fallen Gods at the Halloween Shop & Hop, I was inspired to give the annual Fallen God & Goddess contest a try. In my caves from Fanatik, I installed the Evil Throne from Kalopsia, and I dressed myself in the latest release from Senzafine for We Love Role-Play, a seductive piece perfect for a queen of necromancy.

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More Slink Boys

When it comes to mesh heads for male avatars, the situation is starting to get pretty decent with several brands offering multiple choices. Slink, for example, is now up to four male mesh head with their latest two releases, Marcus and Ethan. As with the previous two (Anderson and Finn), they have a “sister” each among the female heads, in this case Miranda and Emma. While you could certainly make them look a lot more masculine, I decided to try both of them with the androgynous “Andy” skin from alaskametro (even though the body of the skin is actually female) since I wanted to see how pretty they would get. ;) I also used the Nyx hair from Wasabi for both looks and a set of outfits from the Muses.

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Moon Goddess

The Lunara gacha from deviousMind is dreamy and magical, evoking moonlight on a dark night. I love everyhing about it; the fantastical headdresses, the beautiful modelling and texturing of the dress and of course the adorable owls. You’ll definitely feel like a moon goddess in this!

I used the ruins from Fanatik to evoke a temple-like atmosphere, and I love the effect of the dark sea in the background. The poses are from deviousMind/chanimations as well, from one of the Sourceress sets. I’d love to see more of those pose and prop sets one day, even if these full fantasy outfits are absolutely amazing too.

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Bandit Queen

I am so excited! I just discovered that Mythril has finally released several interactive pose sets for Teegle horses and riders. There have been lots of pose sets for just the horses before, but these are among the first sets that include poses for the riders as well (this includes some sets where the rider is posing besides the horse rather than on it). I want them all, but I had to restrain myself a bit and started with the Action set which includes canters, gallops, rears and even an archery pose that I need to pick up a bow for.

For my dashing outfit I made use of ContraptioN (love the Crossroads Walker set with hat & mask) and lassitude & ennui and in the background you have the ruins from Fanatik (don’t miss their sale!).

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Woodlands in the Skye

Ever since I started renting a full sim, I have become somewhat obsessed with acquiring landscaping items and buildings. I am constantly changing up pieces of the sim for photos, so as a whole it always looks like a work in progress, and now that extends to sky landscapes as well. I guess I did not really need a path system, but when Studio Skye released the Woodland Path Building Set, I couldn’t resist it. Especially not since I joined their group a while ago and new releases are sold at 50% off to the group for the first weekend. So, then I had to build up a little area to show it off, which meant adding in the Scots Pine forest from Studio Skye and a few castles from Fanatik as well. Fanatik is currently having a big sale with up to 50% on a lot of items, so if you are similarly obsessed, don’t miss that!

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I was going for something elegant and seductive to show off this lingerie set with plentiful lace applique from Voluptas Virtualis. But as I was playing around with the lighting, Elio glanced over at my screen and said “oh, that looks nice, its so moody”. And I had to agree. The simple setup, the stark shadow and the pose from oOo Studios came together really nicely like this. The simple, clean lines of the Vivid hair from Truth plays into that as well, and the earring from Kunglers provides a striking accent.

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Midnight Lily

Sometimes, simple is best. I wanted to show off the colour and texture of the gown from Les Encantades without any obstructions. It is quite pretty, though I find the waistline a little too narrow for a natural look, even when taking some corsetting into account. The gown is available at Redeux which runs for two more days. The pose by OMY is also from Redeux. My hair is from Magika’s latest collection, with all-new textures that I think look fantastic. And of course I am in one of my Fanatik castles.

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Royal Treasures

I haven’t found much time for Second Life this last week, but now the weather has turned a little worse, giving me some time to share some beautiful treasures with you. Despite being on a mobile connection and a laptop, I managed to make my way to the Epiphany when it opened. Once there, my luck held and I was able to collect much of the Fair Lady set from Old Treasures.

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The Lady’s Garden

A brief, late-night post. This beautiful garden feature from Simply Shelby caught my eye among at Redeux, not the least because of the informative notecard which taught me what a medieval turf bench is! I love when people really research their creations and this is great example of when doing that also results in an unusual and very original piece of decor. The turf bench comes with and without the central tree, allowing for various usage options, and includes single poses for men and women as well as some couple poses.

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Among the Ruins

We Love Role-Play opened its June round a few days ago and this is a good one that you will see more posts on from me. The first one is a quiet, contemplative scene with an evening walk among some moody ruins. The dress by Dreaming Thicket has a gypsy/boho feel which I love together with the gorgeous Delicate hair from Truth. I am also wearing the diadem and pendant from the Priye set by Adam n Eve.

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A Stable Rendezvous

As my herd of Teegle horses has grown, I’ve found myself wishing for a stable that would fit in with the rest of my sim which is full of castles and the like. The latest release from Fanatik goes a long way to fulfil that wish. It may not be a full-on period stable, but it definitely looks great and suits my Teeglepets perfectly.

But that’s not all I’ve got for you! The Muses has a new mainstore, so I am showing off a favourite from their current collection of gowns, and Skin Within has another new skin out, the second after their return to Second Life. So do keep reading for more photos!

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