

The second new face from alaskametro is Solace, a somber face that gives a melancholy look. I paired it with the Athena head from LightStar and dressed up in a recent release from Noble Creations, also with a grecian theme.

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Reading the Stones

The current round of The Fantasy Collective is called Vikings and while there were some things on sale that mystified me as to how they connected to the theme, there were also quite a few creators present who did an excellent job. One of these is Hextraordinary with their release of a set of runestones.

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Dragon Siblings

For once there was something at We Love Role-Play that made Ran go “ooooh” (and hopefully there will be more in the future, with their new men’s section) and that ended up being the start of this photo. Black and red are Targaryen colours, after all, and I just happened to have a new gown from the Muses in the same colours. Add to that the awesome dragons from Aii which, although not right for Valyrian dragons, definitely add a special touch.

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Midsummer’s Queen

Midsummer is serious business here in Sweden and as a result I am currently in a bit of a food coma. But of course I had to put together a midsummer inspired scene and fortunately Noble Creations and Paper Moon had just the things I needed for that, with this fantastic throne from the former and the outfit from the latter. I am also wearing another of the new/re-released skins from Adam n Eve, this time Rebecca.

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Deco(c)rate Unboxing February 2017

I like it when things in SL happen at midnight SL time. That’s 9 am for me and just around when I get up, which means I can lazily start my day with browsing an event or—on certain days of the month—opening up a subscription box. Today, it was a bit of both, as I managed to squeeze into Collabor88 just as it opened to snag one of the new Exile hairs and then the February Deco(c)rate arrived as well. That meant it was time to setup for an unboxing video, though that had to wait for some RL work to be done first. Once I did get around to the unboxing, I was pleased to find that the designers had created some very nice decor items for the “Timeless Romance” theme. The photos show only one of the 15th items in the crate, so to preview all of them you’ll need to check out the video towards the end of the post.

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A few weeks ago I picked up the Curvaceous pose set from oOo Studio and it turned out to be just what I needed for this post about Aisling’s second ROMP release, the Zina lingerie. As a backdrop I am using the Grande Royale Bed from Roawenwood which really lives up to its name by being quite large and opulent.

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I have been engaging in a lot of rereading lately and my latest choice may be inspiring a few more or less NSFW pictures as I decided that it was finally time (well overdue, really) to revisit Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy series. I had (shame on me) almost forgotten how delicious that series can be. Now, if only someone in Second Life would make an appropriate set of eyes for an anguisette and perhaps a few marques as well…

But I digress (a little, anyway). However, certain elements of Kushiel’s Dart did inspire these shots. But when I started putting it together, it was also with a mind to show off the lovely stockings from Senzafine, so the clothing (or lack thereof) have a lot to do with that as well.

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The annual horror game from Pulse Games opened a couple of days ago and I thought it would be fun to make a video of part of the game play. There will be some spoilers but the video does not cover the whole game so there are still plenty of surprises left. And as usual there’s tons of prizes to pick up as you move through the various locations and it is definitely not easy to find all of them!  The game starts at Sn@tch and spans across multiple sims. Just one tip if you head out there before watching my video—mind the bees!

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Treasure Chest Unboxing October 2016

The first Treasure Chest is here and I’ve got a long unboxing video for you. I did plenty of talking in the video, so I won’t make this post too lengthy, other than to say that I am following it up with credits for what Ran and I are wearing initially as well as with photo of my initial outfit. I am not giving separate credits for all of the Treasure Chest items since I go through those in detail in the video. Plus, you can also check out the Treasure Chest website and see all the designers and their items there.

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Bed of Roses

A beautiful set of lingerie from Luxuria, soon to be released at The Liaison Collaborative which opens later today, draped in body jewellery by Aisling and with the scene accentuated by decorations and trinkets by the latter brand, in both cases from We Love Role-Play. Quite the change from the shots I did earlier today, but that is a big part of the charm of Second Life for me.

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For this round of We Love Role-Play, lassitude & ennui has created what can only be described as a classic female sword & sorcery outfit. My first thought was to shoot these pictures at Kingdom of Sand, which has been my go-to place for desert environments for years…only to learn that it disappeared last year! Fortunately, I came across the Tajukistan Tahari sim and its gladiatorial arena was just what I needed. Still, Kingdom of Sand will be greatly missed as a photo location and I think I will need to make another effort to turn our own little desert corner into something more usable. Alas, my landscaping skills are limited. But, enough about that!

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Eastern Circe

In the last two days new rounds of the Fantasy Gacha Carnival and Collarbor88 have opened, threatening to do serious damage to my virtual wallet. The look I ended up putting together started with a jewellery set from Aisling and was completed by a dress from deviousMind and hair by Exile.

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Sn@tch on Sale

Sorry, I couldn’t resist that! But you really don’t want to miss that Sn@tch is having a sale, which of course means fatpacks at insane prices. I picked up the Martina lingerie used in this post (comes with and without the “modesty panels”) and decided to use a recent prop from Roawenwood to show it off. This post definitely gets NSFW!

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I am somewhat distracted at the moment as I am getting up at 3 am tomorrow morning to get ready for my first-even official dressage competition. But, before I head to bed much earlier than usual, I wanted to show off the latest tattoo release from Silentsparrow together with some steampunk-inspired wings from Noble Creations.

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Christmas Ornaments

We just finished putting up our RL tree, which put me in the mood for a tree in SL as well. I brought out the fantastic Christmas tree from Libertine from 2014 which has an amazing scripted system for decorating it with ornaments that you can obtain from various sources. There’s a new version out this year at the Midwinter Fair and new ornaments in a gacha there; you will need the 2015 version of the tree to use both 2014 and 2015 ornaments.

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