
A Good Scrubbing

Sometimes, even virtual floors need a good scrubbing. Of course, when your scrub bucket is made by Dutchie, you may end up being distracted from your work and things are very likely to get dirty rather than clean! Though there are two actual scrubbing animations and if you’d like to keep your roleplay safe for work, there’s a PG version. This, however, is the adult version, which has 30 couple animations and 2 sequences.

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The Slink Boys

A few weeks ago, I showed off the five female heads from Slink. Now the turn has come to the two boys, Anderson (who was released together with the female heads) and Finn (who came along a little later). I brought in Ran to help me as well, since he has more male skins in his inventory. There’s not that many new Bakes on Mesh skins for male heads as of yet, but he found some nice options from Aeros and Birth among his existing system layer skins and I used a recent group gift from 7 Deadly s[K)ins.

Aeros still has their system layer skins available, both in-store and on the marketplace, and the creator (Pi Rain) states on their profile that new Bakes on Mesh skins are coming. Birth has most of their system skins still available and are currently updating various newer skins with BoM-layers. 7 Deadly s[K]ins has a few system layer skins available, including among their more recent male releases.

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Slinky News

My Bakes on Mesh-kick got even more intense yesterday when Slink all of a sudden released SIX Bakes on Mesh-ready bento heads, five for women and one for men. Two of the female heads are updates of the previous static heads, Emma and Becky, so if you owned those you can now grab a redelivery for free! How is that for excellent support? Siddean was kind enough to send me the three completely new heads as well and of course this merited a very in-depth look at the whole set. And what better way to do that than with a video? This also gave me an opportunity to show off the new facial animation HUD from Vista that I picked up just two days ago.

In this post I have also included a head shot of each head with various system layer skins I dug up from my inventory to play with as well as credits for what is shown in the video. And if you want to learn more about Bakes on Mesh, do check out the excellent FAQ by Slink.

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A Royal Gift

The Ark (which closes today, so hurry up and visit!) is a new event focused on pets, animals and related items. I had been looking forward to it since it was announced, but I must admit that I was somewhat disappointed in the first round as it seemed like too many items that you could have found at just any other event. However, there were definitely some really good things on offer too, with one of the top picks being the latest Teeglepet horse from Teegle—the Friesian. Since I’ve collected all the previous ones, of course I had to get this one too.

In this post, I am also showcasing a bridle for the Friesian by Mythril, decor and clothing from The Looking Glass and Roped Passions for the Spoonful of Sugar Festival and a new dress from Senzafine for We Love Role-Play.

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The Game

Nephilaine of the Muses has been on fire lately, releasing a string of fantasy/roleplay outfits, some for women and quite a few for men! She sent me a selection of these and of course I had to tell Ran to pick some up as well, so that we could do a photo together and show off a pair of the new releases. Since I don’t have a separate male alt, that meant changing myself into ManFreyja, which is always a bit weird since I’ve just got a female AO. ;) I am not sure what I dislike the most, standing around with the female AO on when I am dressed as a male or standing around with the AO off and looking like a noob. That may actually be more painful.

Anyway, back to business of showing off these outfits! We headed off to our tavern by Fanatik to play some nice, in the form of a working dice game by the Dreaming Thicket.

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Welcome to Fantasy Faire 2019

It is finally that time of the year when you can visit the Fairelands once more and as usual you can find all the information you need about the Faire at the excellent website. In short, the Faire will run between April 18 and May 5 and it is a charity event that benefits the American Cancer Society. There are over 200 merchants across 10 fantastic sims and in addition to that there are wonderful sims for the LitFest, the parties, the quest and many other things.

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Draped in Gold

Just a little quick evening post with a recent release from Narcisse, the Helena dress. This beautifully draped dress is available at FaMESHed X and it earns its place at the adult event by having the option to be either solid or sheer, with the top and bottom controlled separately. If you do opt for sheer for the skirt, you can choose to turn on a pair of panties in a matching hue…or you can choose not to. ;) I think you can see by these pictures what I picked!

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Cocktail Lovers Chair

We’ve finally gotten some proper winter temperatures (but no snow, alas) so it seems perfect to warm things up with a review of Dutchie’s latest release, the Cocktail Lovers Chair. As it is packed full of carefully chosen animations, I opted for doing a video to show a selection of the PG couple animations as well as preview some of the additional menus available in the adult version of the chair. In addition to that, I have included a selection of photos with this post. There are naked pixels below, though nothing too raunchy even if there is plenty of options for that among the animations. The Adult chair comes 20 female and 20 male solo animations, 20 cuddles and kisses, 80 FP and sex animations and 11 sequences. It includes auto-attaching props (PG and Adult) and supports auto-tilting for Aeros (Adult only). Both versions of the chair offer 3 texture options for the fabric.

The Jaz hair from Wasabi, their release for the ongoing round of Uber, also includes a version with a hat. The bra & knickers from Junbug (which I picked up at her massive sale) include three versions for the bra and two for the knickers, at varying stages of undress.

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Faun Forest

The last month of the year is here and I am busy with the usual stuff (decorating, baking, etc) and some unexpected complications (a lame horse), but once I get through this weekend I should have a bit more time to breathe at least. For today’s photos, perhaps I should have gone for a winter look rather than an autumn feel, but I really liked the look of this skin in deep reds and greens. So, I went for an autumn faun/satyr prancing through the woods and coming across a curious well with a sculpture of a little kinsman!

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Gothic Queen

Right now, I seem to be moving from room to room in the Dungan Castle by Fanatik, setting up different scenes in different locations. This one started with the excellent Gothic Bench & Chair set by Fantavatar & Moonstruck for We Love Role-Play. Those pieces just had to be shown off in a castle, but I needed a bit more decor to make the scene come together. That’s when I turn to Paper Moon, especially the sets of tapestries. Those are superb for hanging on your castle walls and making rooms feel a bit more inhabited. You also see a glimpse of a piece from the gacha set “The Songs Ephemera” which are excellent little table settings for different characters.

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Hair Fair 2018: Favourites

To show my new purchases from Hair Fair, as well as a couple of demos I am still indecisive about, I decided to put together a video. This also allowed me to give you a closer look at style huds and hair colour huds from each brand.

Remember that every pack of hair sold at Hair Fair donates a minimum of 15% to Wigs for Kids, so its shopping for a good cause!


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Priestess of Drowned Atlantis

When I browsed through the newly opened September round of We Love Role-Play, I was thrilled to find the new jewellery set from Bliensen + MaiTai. It is a beautiful replica of an actual Minoan pendant, showing two bees storing away a drop of honey. The actual Minoan piece is one of the most celebrated pieces of Minoan art, a beautiful example of their skill at working with gold. I saw it in the museum in Herakleion when I visited Crete (sadly ages ago!) and of course I bought a silver replica to take home. I really enjoy being able to get it in Second Life as well and I would love to see more historical replica jewellery!

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Gerard Takes a Bath

After a bit of a hiatus from vlogging, I finally had time to a video featuring two awesome recent releases: The Pompeii Bathhouse from Tia and the Gerard bento head from Vista. Fair warning, I was a bit out of practice and perhaps a bit too talkative, so the video may feature more rambling than usual. Not that don’t ramble in general, but you get the idea. You may skip ahead to the essentials. ;)

I do need to make some small corrections to what I said in the video regarding the Gerard head. It is currently on sale in the Vista mainstore for L$2000. It is the add-on facial hair that is available at the Mesh Body Addicts Fair. There is also a brand-new bundle (released today) of the head plus a full bento AO for L$3500.

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Your Servant

Stardust has three lovely sets of tattoos out at the Skin Fair (which is approaching its end, so make sure to visit if you haven’t already!) and to best show them off I needed a no clothing scenario. Fortunately, I also had this chair from Roawenwood to blog, which in addition to male and female single poses has several menus of couple poses. I decided to make use of my favourite little desert camp (with gorgeous tents from Paper Moon) and called in Ran to play the noble with the pretty serving girl. He was happy to oblige. ;)

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Bound to Please

Thanks to a giveaway by Violetility, I received a copy of the Bound Box for February. This is a subscription boxed aimed at the BDSM/Kinky community in Second Life. I considered doing an unboxing vlog, but given the nature of the box I decided to take a look at the contents first and determined that photos might be a better way to show it off. So, what I am going to do is pick my favourites from the box and show them across a few posts, intermixed with other items. For this first post, I selected the items from Dictatorshop and Essenz, which I paired with among other things new releases from Wasabi and Luxuria. I am also wearing glittery makeup from alaskametro’s Alchemy gacha at the Cosmetic Fair.

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