
Lady Anne

Another post about my favourite event as well as one of my favourite designers, the Muses. And this time, Nephilaine has outdone herself with a gown closely inspired by a portrait of Anne of Cleves, who was Henry VIII’s fourth wife but survived both him and all his other wives. The red and gold version seen here is the original colour scheme, but the gown is also available in black and blue. As it covers the whole body, it is only made in a single fitmesh size, which falls quite close to bodies like Maitreya and Slink Physique.

I paired the gown with a hair from Fantavatar & Moonstruck which isn’t quite right for the period but suited it perfectly well. I then switched out our massive Iron Throne for a smaller throne from Dysfunctional Designs to complete the scene. I had also planned to show off some new banners from the Dreaming Thicket, but since I opted for such dark lighting, they barely show at all. I will have to get back to those!

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The Empty Throne

Tomorrow is the last day for the Coven where you can get Paper Moon’s lovely decor item, the Bolognese Tarot, which is an actual historical tarot deck from the 1600s, I am using three pieces from the collection as the backdrop for this image, which also showcases the Mirror Mirror dress from Noble Creations. The throne is an earlier release from Dysfunctional Designs and I liked the effect of leaving it empty and playing the power behind (or beside) the empty throne in this image.

Speaking of Paper Moon, you also need to make sure to check out the mainstore, as they are having a Black Weekend sale with everything except gachas at 50% off.

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Analog Dog has been one of my favourite hair stores for a long while, first for their flexi curls and now for their mesh curls, often accompanied by some flexi curls to soften the overall look. Their latest release is a must for a wild, windblown look. I am also showing a little tease of Bushu’s next release, a pair of very ethereal heels.

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The Audience

Senzafine‘s release for The Fantasy Collective is a gown with some of the most lush textures and striking colour combinations that I’ve seen in Second Life. As often happens when I have something really pretty to blog, I found myself a bit daunted—how could I do it justice? I’ll leave it up to you to decide how well (or not) I managed. I did decide I needed to call in my favourite prop, aka Ran, to make more of a scene of it.

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Easter Maiden

It has not been a good couple of weeks since I last posted, so I have been slow to embrace the change of season and start looking forward to the rest of the year again. But Easter is hard to just ignore (and Easter candy always helps to perk one up), so when a box of adorable new releases showed up from Dysfunctional Designs, I found myself with a bit of inspiration again.

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Skin Fair 2015: PXL & elymode

Its still almost all about skins (and makeups) for me right now, though I did slip into a dress this time since the body is one I have featured in the past. This face from PXL is all new, however, and I paired it with some makeups from elymode, all from the Skin Fair which is now open.

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Skin Fair 2015: Imabee

Two more days and Skin Fair 2015 will open its doors. The second skin that I am featuring is from Imabee, whose new face Imogen will be launched at the fair. In this post you will also see new horns from the Plastik and some adorable fluttery critters from Dysfunctional Designs.

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Skin Fair 2015: Tuli

Skin Fair 2015 is only a few days away (March 13th) and it brings with it a welcome return to the world of Second Life skins: a new release by Tuli. Her skins have been among my favourites for a very long time and I still wear some of the previous releases now and then and would do so with regularity if they only had Physique appliers. As tends to be the case with my skin posts, I prefer to go light on clothing to show the body as well as the face, but I could not resist some accessories by aisling, Sax Shepherd Designs and ieQED. I am also giving a look at a skybox from Dysfunctional Designs that I soon hope to show more of.

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At the moment I have a bit of a craving for poses and for landscaping items. I indulged the former today when I visited the One Word event for their Fairytale round, picking up new releases from oOo Studios and Exposeur. And, because the oOo Studios set is made for big gowns, I went at grabbed Giulia from the Muses from the Marketplace.

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A girl can’t have too many thrones, can she? Especially not thrones with adult poses, but you’ll have to wait until another time to see those. That’s not to say this post is entirely decorous; oh no, Junbug‘s gown makes certain of that.

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Cold Daggers

Elymode is back. After a long hiatus, Elysium Eilde has returned to Second Life and reopened her store with new clothes, makeup and poses. I am showing one of the new lingerie sets in this post and it comes with a full set of appliers for Slink, Belleza and Omega.

I am also teasing a few releases that will be available at Gothmas by Gaslight when it opens tomorrow. This is where you’ll want to do your holiday shopping if you prefer it with a dark twist.

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Grecian Girl

I keep saying I won’t spend more on gachas and then of course something new comes along that I just can’t avoid giving a few tries. Fortunately, my abysmal luck at The Gathering last month did not carry over to the new round of the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. That said, though some stores had yet to setup, I don’t know that I will be playing much more than what I’ve already done (well, alright, there’s a few machines I will have to visit). I think the glut in fantasy products is starting to show and it is becoming harder and harder for stores to stand out, especially when it comes to gachas. There are some fantastic-looking pieces available, but they’re not necessarily wildly different from things I already have in my inventory.

My big prize, however, definitely is a stand-out.

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Pirate Princess

Now that Slink has brought out an update to the Physique mesh body, I really needed to get some less dressed photos done. The Tortuga Princess gacha set from aisling for the Fantasy Gacha Carnival turned out to be just what I needed, especially in combination with the Garden Pavilion from Dysfunctional Designs for Collabor88.

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Arabian Nights

Its Midsummer here today, but for my blogging I am abandoning Swedish traditions and heading out into the desert courtesy of the latest round of Genre - Arabia. I also added in a dash of Totally Top Shelf, a new event where the first round is inspired by Greek mythology.

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Dysfunctional Designs has this fabulous Library Set out for the May round of We Love Role-Play and you really don’t want to miss it. It is packed full of different shelf options and could easily by used to setup anything from just a single shelf in a room to a full library. All pieces come with several wood options, so you can fit them to a range of rooms.

For a couple of more looks at the library parts, some other We Love Role-Play pieces and a gorgeous new hair from Analog Dog, read on.

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