
Fantasy Faire 2024: A Meeting of Magic

The magical isle of Avalon, Alia Baroque’s creation for this Fantasy Faire, became witness to a meeting between two fantastical beings. One, a fae called to this realm as the dragon nearly woke from his slumber. The other, a spirit horse lured down from among the clouds and starts by magic required to send the dragon back to sleep.

At the Jail & Bail for Alia, I bought the Ancient Spell version of the special skin. I was really curious to see how the sim would change if the dragon awoke, but alas, that did not happen. But I knew I wanted to create a post with this skin and when I got the opportunity to blog the Qamariki mod & texture kits for the Teeglepets, created by Tutto E Vanita, I had an idea for bringing the two together.

For the rest of the fae’s look, I used one of the RFL releases from deviousMind together with one of the new colours of the SteamWings released for the Faire and a crown from Les Encantades.

As for the Qamariki, I modded my Teeglepet Pegasus with the kit as I have a copy version of the Pegasus. The first time I tried I managed to skip one step and had to start over, but once I actually followed all the instructions it was not difficult at all as long as you have some basic understanding of how to use the editing tools. The Qamariki mod kit is available for most Teeglepets, including even the new Kelpie and Hippocampus pets. In addition to the mod kit, you need one of the special texture kits and the toughest part about that will be to pick your favourite. This is a really fanciful mod kit and the texture kits use glow and emissive marking for an ethereal appearance.

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Fantasy Faire 2024: Enter the Fairy Tale

Ladies and Lords, mermaids and mermen, fairies and goblins and all other creatures, the time has come again. Tonight, the Fairelands become accessible and Fantasy Faire 2024 begins and stays open until May 5th. Prepare to explore, shop and be entertained across 20 unique Fairelands, all in the name of raising money for the Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society.

I’ve begun my journey to the Fairelands on my own sim, but thanks to HopScotch I have found a way to enter the Fairy Tale from here. I invite you all to follow along as soon as the mists recede fully and welcome everyone to the Fairelands. A few glimpses of what will be on offer from the fantastic creators taking part can also be seen here; a stunning gown fit for a Fairy queen by Les Encantades and jewellery to match by Drunken Brokkr. A pose from Uzme and fields of gorgeous flowers by MB.

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The Herbalist

In a forest clearing sits a cosy cottage. If the weather allows, the window shutters and the door stands open, welcoming any visitor who might be seeking out the herbalist.

The Herbalist’s Cot Heiltrud and the various furnishings (alcove bed in PG or Adult, worktable, fireplace, chair and shelf) are by Del-ka Aedilis for We Love Role-Play, with each piece sold separately. The cottage has two versions, one with and one without flowers and herbs on the outside. There are also alternative pieces for the fireplace, worktable and chair.

The pretty embroidered gown is a collaboration between Les Encantades and Una and judging by this dress they should do more! I really like the texturing, it feels a bit unusual, and its nicely fitted. For ornamentation, I added the Ekka headband from Angelicus.  And, of course, the pretty Harmony hairstyle from Wasabi comes with the lovely flowers (but can also be worn without).

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Be Welcome

The large inn lay furthest out on the peninsula and served travellers coming both by land and sea. The dusky interior was cheerfully lit by torches and by the smile of the tavernkeep’s daughter.

There are so many new releases that I absolutely adore in this post. First, make certain not to miss the Spring Edition of the Asha hair from Wasabi, out for 50 Linden Friday. This is my favourite braid in Second Life and it is so pretty with the flowers. I had already decided on wearing Asha for this post and then the special edition came out and made the look even better, its so sweet together with the lovely Emma gown by Les Encantades, a new release for We Love Role-Play. The dress can be worn with or without the embroidered corset and the fullpack you can mix and match the colours.

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The Queen’s Tower

A lonely tower by the sea, a queen in self-imposed solitude. That is my second offering for We Love Role-Play, featuring the new releases from Grasshopper St and Les Encantades.

From Grasshopper St comes the Berengaria Crown and Medieval Veil. These are beautiful pieces, perfect for an accurate medieval look. The crown can be stripped down a bit by removing some of the ornaments and the HUD also includes several metal and jewel options. The veil comes in silk and cotton and rigged as well as unrigged.

The Revna gown is an intricately adorned dress that offers a lot of flexibility in how you combine the colours if you have the fullpack HUD. I had some minor quibbles with the fit of Blanca, the other Les Encantades gown I showed, but Revna is clearly a newer mesh and perfectly rigged to Maitreya Lara. It also includes fits for Belleza GenX, Kupra, Legacy and Reborn.

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The Woodsman’s Wife

One day, she came to his cottage in the middle of the woods, wearing clothing in the colours of the wood and with a strange mark on her forehead.

There’s a new round of We Love Role-Play on its way in just a few days, so of course I’ve got to tease a few upcoming things. But first up, a look at the Woodcutter Shed from Del-ka Aedilis, a simple but nice addition for any medieval, norse or just rustic setup. A log is ready for being worked on, a stack of logs are stored against the back and on the side of the shed hangs an axe and a saw.

As for what you an expect from WLRP, the Blanca dress from Les Encantades has a rustic fantasy feel, especially in this colour combination. I found the fit on Maitreya a little so-so in terms of a lot of alphaing being needed, though with a dress that really doesn’t matter so much. The Eye of the Forest cosmetic set features eyeshadow and a forehead design and comes from Reviver.

The beautiful long hair with the charming strands of hair falling over the face is Iliana from Wasabi, out at the Fifty. I love most things about this style, though it seems to expect rather larger breasts than my avatar has.

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Fantasy Faire 2022: The Magic of Books

Yesterday, Ran and I took part in the Literary Festival to talk about Roleplaying the Canon and our experiences with playing on and running roleplaying games based on pre-existing sources, especially literary ones. Of course I had to show off the outfit I put together for the talk and it seemed very fitting to do so at the wonderful Carnelian Archive, built by Nix Marabana of the Dreaming Thicket and sponsored by Petrichor. Talk about a Faireland I would like to take home with me and make my permanent residence, it is heaven for a book lover.

With an older pose set by Picture This! that features some spellcasting from a book, I put myself in a few different spots in the library, including in front of a door guarded by a powerful enchantment. What might lie behind it? At least one of the guards seems to have been lulled to sleep by the spell.

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Hunting a Myth

Les Encantades has a lovely set with a tunic, pants and shoes (each sold separately) out at We Love Role-Play and to me they suggested a hunter, especially in the Olive green version with brown accents. I found the shoes a little modern-looking so I wore a pair of boots from Senzafine instead and because the pants end a little below the knee that worked pretty well. The set is available for a wide range of bodies, including Slink Physique, which always makes me very happy. There are also alphas included, something I wish more creators did these days. After all, BOM was supposed to be the end of alpha cuts on the bodies, but sadly not all body makers have gone that route.

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Midnight Lily

Sometimes, simple is best. I wanted to show off the colour and texture of the gown from Les Encantades without any obstructions. It is quite pretty, though I find the waistline a little too narrow for a natural look, even when taking some corsetting into account. The gown is available at Redeux which runs for two more days. The pose by OMY is also from Redeux. My hair is from Magika’s latest collection, with all-new textures that I think look fantastic. And of course I am in one of my Fanatik castles.

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Fantasy Faire 2018: Strange Woods

Today it was time to flit through the woods on delicate fairy wings, discovering a clearing full of strange and wonderful flowers and vines from Adorably Strange Wares.  The beautiful Daphne dress from the Muses felt like something a fairy might wear and the autumn colour went nicely with the wings from Les Encantades. But a fairy doesn’t need to keep to one season, so the Gaia crown from Acios has more of a spring or summer feel with its lush blooms. My fairy-self also has a taste for other treasures and wears a stunning necklace from Bliensen + MaiTai.

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Fantasy Faire 2018: The Tavern

The weather was too gorgeous yesterday to sit in front of the computer until later in the evening, so I didn’t actually manage to get the post out before bedtime. But I am thinking I will get a second one done today, to try to keep up with the one post a day schedule. Fortunately, I had my stitches in the finger out yesterday so typing is a bit easier. But you still get another combined blog and vlog because the star of this post really deserved a video. I am of course talking about the Interactive Tavern Table from Fantavatar & Moonstruck, a fabulous roleplay piece. Also featured in this video are two hairs from F&M, a gown from Les Encantades, an awesome outfit from Last Ride and a skin from Bite & Claw. Note that in the credits, it just says Fantasy Faire after each item, but the links are different depending on which sim the store is actually on. You can also use the excellent Shopping Catalogue to easily find where each and every brand at the faire are located.

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Dame a la Licorne

More unicorn treasures today, from the Last Unicorn round of Enchantment. This includes the first item I have blogged by Les Encantades as well as several pieces by the Plastik and a contribution from Hekate.

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