Hippoi Athanatoi

Degrees & Stuff

After years of being indecisive, I finally decided to apply for the two degrees I am qualified for under the new, Bologna-adapted system at the university. So, now I have a Bachelor and what they call a one-year Master in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History.

I could have had the equivalent of the one-year Master in the old system some ... 3 years ago, I think, but the old system allows you to include more classes than the required number so I was holding off to finish up some more Latin and Greek. I may possibly still be allowed to apply for one of those as well, so I probably will if I do finish those classes before they stop taking applications under the old system (2015, I believe).

For now, though, the goal is to finish up the last requirement for the new two-year Master, which is a 30 credit paper. I already have another 30 credits of other classes within the subject done, but I have not been able to come up with a good subject for the paper. Ideally, it combines horses and Homer, or perhaps horses and something Bronze Age again. But I really, really suck at coming up with subjects that don’t turn out a) too general and b) too vast.

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