Hippoi Athanatoi

Whiteout Finds a Star

Greg Rucka’s excellent and rather unique crime thriller set in a scientific research station in Antarctica following a murder, Whiteout seems to be full-speed ahead for a movie adaption.

Dominic Sena has been set to direct, and according to TunaFlix Kate Beckinsale is set to star as the U.S. Marshal sent to discover the perpretator of the crime before an international incident develops and the fury of winter descends on the continent. Steve Leiber’s work is wonderfully suited to the story, and he’s posted the whole of the first issue of the original series to give potential readers a taste.

If you end up trying Whiteout and liking it, Whiteout: Melt is a sequel to it and a third series titled Whiteout: Thaw is due starting this fall. Rucka’s best work is probably on his real-world espionage drama/thriller Queen and Country, which introduced comic readers to the tough-as-nails Tara Chace as she and her companions in the U.K.‘s Special Operations Service deal with the usual action-filled crises both great and small while trying to deal with red tape, bureaucracy, and politics in a realistic fashion.

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