Hippoi Athanatoi


Dog show time, that is. We only got back some hours ago from taking our dog to his first ever dog show. Which he found immensely entertaining since there were so many people and so many dogs to say hello to. We did not find it quite so entertaining to try to control him. Boxers are ... lively, and this one is extra energetic. At 7 months, he easily drives us all crazy on a regular basis.

I am not sure how the judge managed to get a good look at him, since he was either acting like a whirling dervish or lying down on his back (yes, in the show ring ;P), but somehow he did and he ended up placing him first of the boxer puppies. Of course, there was only one other entry, but the critique he got was pretty good. So, no doubt we’ll try a show or two more in the future. And I really need to get moving on making a dog blog, or at least on giving Ringo a little page of his own.

If anyone’s curious about what was said about him, here’s a rough translation (dog conformation terminology in English is not precisely a speciality of mine):

Good size, dry and taut, with good proportions. Masculine head, with a very good expression. Good neck and back. Somewhat short croup. Correct and well angulated. Parallel. Moves with a really good length of stride.

Result: BIR-Valp, HP

This means he won the boxer puppy group and received an HP (a “Prize of Honour”). He did not, however, place in the overall puppy final. Still, the evaluation sounds pretty good to my fairly uninitiated eyes. Of course, this was a mixed-breed show, so who knows how he’d do under a judge more experienced with boxers.

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