Hippoi Athanatoi

Good News, Bad News

A very belated post this week. I was not in the mood for posting after the lesson this Tuesday, and then it slipped my mind. So here is a short recap.

The good news: Murphy was back to work. His knee is still a bit larger than usual, but he’s shown no lameness whatsoever during the week. They’re thinking its some sort of swelling from a blow that doesn’t really affect him.

The bad news, part 1: Murphy (and several of the other horses) were in a feisty mood. He tried to eat my face several times both before and after the lesson, and during the lesson he stopped several times and attempt to assault the horse behind him. Fun. ;P

The bad news, part 2: I rode terribly. My focus on my legs over the last weeks led me to totally obsess about my legs. I changed my stirrup length three or four times, and I kept messing far too much with my hands and legs throughout most of the lesson.

Next week we have theory. I am not sure if this is good or bad. Maybe I need a week off. Or maybe I need a private lesson. Possibly I also need to ride another horse, but I’d prefer to try to work through this on Murphy.

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