Hippoi Athanatoi

Then and Now

I was passing a bit of time in front of the TV tonight, and ended up watching parts of Henrik Schyffert’s “The 90’s - Ett försvarstal”. It wouldn’t, I imagine, mean much or make much sense to anyone who isn’t Swedish, though what it made me realize was that while I miss the 80’s, I missed the 90’s.

For the first five years of the 90’s, I was so busy clinging onto the 80’s with all my might that I didn’t pay what was going on at the time much attention. Then, in 1995, I moved to the Internet…which has resulted in me still feeling as if the 80’s ended rather recently.

Of course, being Swedish, I am an expert at nostalgia anyway, especially during the summer and in total disregard of the fact that its apparently very unfashionable today (or so it was claimed during the show). But I wouldn’t know much about that, because despite a very connected lifestyle in terms of the Internet, I can’t say I am very connected to here and now otherwise.

Though, we are going to a concert in June, but given that it is the Pet Shop Boys I am not sure it disproves anything about the whole “stuck in the past” thing. ;)

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