
Winter Nymph

I’ve spent the day cooking food for tomorrow’s julbord—Christmas smorgasbord—and just managed to get everything finished before midnight. My brain is feeling a little overcooked, though, so I’ll be keeping this brief. I am continuing the farewell to genre with a piece from Noctis, combined with a lovely new skin from Fallen Gods and a gacha hair from Analog Dog. My winter nymph is accompanied by an arctic fox from Jian and sits on the elven throne by HEXtraordinary.

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Tournament of Love

Valentine’s Day isn’t really much of a tradition here in Sweden, but a touch of romance never hurts. In this case, it appears to be a romance with complication that plays out in the Jousting Pavilion by noctis for We Love Role-Play. I am not sure the royal couple are entirely pleased with each other…

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