
Fantasy Faire 2024: Farewell to Avalon

A final adventure for this year, as the Fairelands are set to recede into the mists today. It has been a wonderful experience as usual and as much as I wish the sims would stay all year around, it wouldn’t be the same. I already can’t wait to see what the amazing worldbuilders and other creators will come up with next year! I will leave you with a video from Avalon and of course credits to everything can be found at the end of the post.

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Waiting to Serve

We Love Role-Play opens in just half an hour and the September round has some great new releases waiting for you, now with discounts of between 15% to 30%. Just like this serving girl waiting to please her master, wearing the Harla Camisk by Rakshasa, a versatile little piece with options for wearing it partially stripped. The fatpack also includes a huge variety of texture options. This black and silver combination matches well with the Santagar Chaise by Sacrilege (available in PG and Adult versions) and the Amare Chalice by the same creator. The earrings are by Portal and the wall candles by Tirrany Designs, who has several different candle sets out at the event.

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The Commander

A taste of what will be on offer in the upcoming round of We Love Role-Play, which I have gotten a chance to become a blogger for. Since it has been my favourite regular event for years, I am thrilled and hope to have lots of fun with it. Trying more new-to-me roleplay-oriented creators is always a delight!

The massive Multi Map War Table from Cosmos features three different maps options: Westeros, Gor and Witcher. The illumination of the table and the candles can be turned on and off and former has a nice effect where it slowly fades in or out when toggled.

My outfit is, believe it or not, an applier layer. It reminds me of the great work that Chaospire used to do, but this is by Reviver, a brand I have not noticed before. It has baked on or painted on lighting and while I would not have minded a materials add-on, it works quite well as it is. The applier also works for both male and female avatars.

The final piece from WLRP is the Isolde Crown from Sacrilege.  Despite the name it is unisex and the included HUD offers six metal textures, three accent colours and five jewel textures.

We Love Role-Play opens on the 4th of February and there will be a new SLURL, so keep your eyes open for that.

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