Hippoi Athanatoi







Cobalt eyes deep as the Summer Sea, and deeper still to have the tincture of violet that they do, are set in a young man’s face shaped and toned to equal them in their comeliness. His countenance is refined in its masculinity, made up chiefly of restrained lines and smooth curves writ in unblemished flesh tinted to olive by a Dornish sun. His evening-eyes and duskened skin are matched by the nightfall of his hair, long black tresses worn as often loose about his shoulders as in a queue. Within that frame of darkness and dusk, the only sharpness is his nose: nobly aquiline yet not extravagantly so, it molds his expressions and lends to them a grave thoughtfulness or a raptor’s fierce intensity as the moment requires. His body is lithe and yet sleekly muscled, with a fair broadness of chest and shoulders that is matched by the grace in him, a honed edge of balance and of awareness that is worthy in a knight.







All material associated with Blood of Dragons MUSH is available with the permission of George R.R. Martin for usage only in conjunction with Blood of Dragons MUSH. The A Song of Ice and Fire setting and all references to it are copyright © George R.R. Martin.