
Renaissance Boudoir

The SL Renaissance Festival is here! Held for the 5th year in a row and running from September 27th to October 6th, the festival is a fundraising event which raises funds for the American Cancer Society through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. During the time of the festival you can of course shop for fantastic new items to help raise money but there will also be many kinds of entertainments and other ways to participate and donate money. There are six dedicated sims with auctions, raffles, roleplay, performances, tournaments and so on. You really don’t want to miss it so why not visit right away?

For my first post, I am showing off a mix of new things, several using PBR. The cap & braid from Grasshopper St. is a fantastic medieval hair style, beautifully ornate and a great match for the gown from Mere 89.  Finishing the look is the lavish jewellery set by Heartsdale Jewellery. The decor mixes releases by Lore, Eclectica and Folklore & Fable.

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Body Parts:  Maitreya Lara body, LeLutka Lake head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Estrella Tone 0
Hair: Grasshopper St. Bianca Cap & Braid (Ren Fest 5)
Clothing: Mere 89 Maiden Fiona Dress (Ren Fest 6)
Accessories:  Heartsdale Jewellery d’Medici Collection (Ren Fest 2)
Decor: Folklore & Fable Bella Renaissance Set (Ren Fest 1), Eclectica Medieval Sconce Black (Ren Fest 1), Lore Rustic Mirror & Washbasin (Ren Fest 1)

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