
Harvest Bounty

Celebrate the bounty of the harvest with the beautiful Vangsta table from NeonSheep, available both with and without the decor (the decor also included separately) and with and without PBR. It has a rustic elegance which works both for a more modern setting and for a role-play setting. Here I have also added apples in baskets and sacks from Lore’s Apple Harvest fatpack. I am also using the holdable basket and the holdable apple. Don’t they look delicious? Each item comes in four different apple textures to represent different apple varieties. Both of these great autumn decor sets are available at We Love Role-Play for a discount and you still have a few more days to get them before this round closes.

My outfit is also from We Love Role-Play, a very pretty Norse-inspired gown by Rakshasa with a coat that has a knitted look belted over it. The gown and the coat can be worn separately and there are also bracers included for wearing over the sleeves. As usual the fatpack offers excellent customisation options where you can mix and match all the available colours. And with it I am wearing the final piece from the event, the Yrsa necklace from lassitude & ennui, with runes inscribed on the central spiral piece. It comes in three colour variants, each of which also includes a blood-streaked version.

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Body Parts: Maitreya Lara X body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Zora head, Mayfly eyes, RVN Store Hawknose Add-on Ultralight
Skin: Nar Mattaru Persephone Caramel
Hair: Wasabi Nocturne
Clothes: Rakshasa Treena Outfit (We Love Role-Play)
Accessories:  lassitude & ennui Yrsa Necklace Ash (We Love Role-Play)
Decor: NeonSheep Vangsta Table (We Love Role-Play), Lore Apple Harvest (We Love Role-Play)

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