Hippoi Athanatoi

WorldCon: Wrapup

On Monday we met Cerys and Zollo at the station and shared the same train as we went to Prestwick, chatted with them as we made our way to the plane, and said our final farewells (with suggestions that we should try to meet some time again in the near future) in Gothenburg.

All in all, a wonderful time, and we thank everybody who made it that way, from the people we knew (George, Parris, Joanna, Christophe, Jamie, and of course the most excellent BwB—especially daj, GoN, mormont, lady mormont, Caress of Cersei, and everyone else involved in organizing and running the parties as well as making sure that people had places to stay) as well as those we don’t (the many, many people who organized the convention, who took part in panels, and especially those who donated their time and volunteered to make sure that everything happened). It’s a time we’ll never forget, deflowered former con-virgins that we are, and we really hope to get a chance to see all of you at future conventions, and perhaps get to know you better.

We especially want to extend our thanks to everyone who made sure we actually could make it out to the convention by creating to the Brotherhood without Banner’s newely-formed fan fund which, I gather, will be associated with the Raven Award when it’s given. It’s extremely appreciated, and we hope we’ll be able to give something back when the call is put out for the next BwB Fan Fundraiser.


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